so this is the joker bow tie , if your noticing the strange colors it because its the old/classic joker.The colors are black\lime. This is a dope look ...
very outer space feel to these glasses and they come in all the best colors , if i had 130 dollars to blow on glasses id buy these just for the look ..
Fellow Fresh Dude Is Travie McCoy , he use to be with Gym Class Heroes but has now taken the solo thing , In this picture he's with his ex Katy Perry. But still looking dopee.
Brook Brothers do it again , they come back with these new Bowties .. They are Two Toned . Thats what makes them DOPE. The Price for these are 59.50 per tie.. Kind of Expensive ,
BBC i Support you , this is the second time i have seen them make anything , that can be worn to work , and thats what the world needs ,something different to wear to work,, KUDOS
Dee & Ricky continue there lego creations , these are rings , your probably used to seeing them make penants but now they have changed. These rings are DOPE , they can be changed with other legos ,the price for a penant is 100. The price for these is not known at this time.
This look is very DOPE, to me it has the caddy look , kind of like golf. Its very different that makes it better. This is finally clothing made by BAPE that you can wear to the workplace. Kudos to them !
This brand is not new , but i like it because it goes around my style of hating polo , its by the Band Of Outsiders, Signature usually is Hello My Name Is on the tag. This shirt does go for a pretty penny though, its about 175.00 . The Fabric is what brings the price so high, it was made in Japan.
Something about these shoes make you want to wear them all day , or is it just me , this style of shoe looks like a loafer but it has zips. I think you could wear skinnies or maybe you could pull of slacks, its just an overall DOPE shoe.
These are Beyond Space , they are so DOPE ; only 70.00 can be purchased at Aldo. I really like the Buckle look, thats what makes this shoe so DOPE , i think i need these.
ive really been sleeping on these , there are worth every cent , its a skate/casual style , you could go from skating to a formal party no lie .. i seriously might have to cop these.. Journeys has them for around 54.99 not bad at all..
Having to different looks in one , the aviator look with an old school feel , these are very dope. But the price will leave you broke $558 , these wont be seeing my face.
This is a very DOPE shoe , depending on your style , to me you can pull these of with a Cardigan and Fedora. They dont run that high you could get them for about 90.00 , i think thats pretty decent for these, a nice Purchase. Over and Out , Oh yeah im still Beyond Space..
So im guessing you guys know who these dudes are ..... Troop 41 .. they display my moto very well , started out with nothing ended up with everything. When you want something bad enough youll go get and thats just what they did.. Coming through your Radio with hits like John Wall , Jigg , and more..
so for all you " sneaker heads " you probably know what kind of shoe this is , but havent seen this color. These are the Nike FoamPosite " Cough Drops " . There set release date in sometime in June along with all the other Jordans coming out during the summer , ill keep you posted about these, over and out , oh yeah im still Beyond Space.